bullying and injustice treated prayerfully.

How would you pray about bullying?
How would you pray about injustice?

Asking about bullying is a hot topic today. It has become a very common problem and few suggestions offer immediate help. The case of injustice is similar in the sense that it involves unequal relationships and has no easy solution. In both cases, claims of fear and lack are evidenced by imbalances between material and spiritual qualities. It seems that one party has power over the other and misuses that power. And it seems that the other party is helpless and without rescourse. Both cases indicate imbalance and neither has a readily available resolution.


If Love is infinite, can these cases be as they appear to be?
Posing this question invites expectancy and a greater awareness of Omnipotent God. Helpful ideas may come in the form of specific Truths and/or counterfacts to the claims. These in turn direct thought to what is real and bear witness to God, good. This mental activity is prayer that carries thought higher and higher. And as thought rises, senses of Soul feel increasing gratitude and night brightens into day proving that all is well. The false material picture is no longer visible, only the peace of Truth remains. Any seeming opposite to good is destroyed. Repentance (re-thinking) corrects errors of believe with reality.
And so it is!

Spiritual Facts:
    There is no victim because man created in Gods image must be graceful, intelligent, courageous, alert, spirited, self-caring, respected, loving, preserved, etc.

    There is no bully because man created in God's likeness must be satisfied, generous, confident, disciplined, creative, just, respectful, loved, grateful, happy, etc. 

There are no separate self-made men. There is only the man God, Mind, knows. There is only His beloved child, His son individualized as you and me with that mind which was in Christ Jesus.

Radically aligning thought with this spiritual reality is to follow our Master's teachings. To humbly follow Jesus' example and see God's man, destroys any belief or false view of man as victim or perpetrator. The lie of vulnerable, useless and fearful men must be shaken off as dust. The lie of self-made, independent, sinful men must return to its native nothingness. Both must disappear as elements of a dream vanish when one awakes.

Life made man both male and female in His image and likeness. Spirit, creates, sees, knows and judges "very good" all that He has made. Placing our personal opinions on the altar and completely yielding to God, we gain understanding. We watch Principle, reveal Itself in governing the universe, including man. We learn that Love neither suspends any law nor effects a miracle. According to its nature, it just radiates Truth.

Awake now, we clearly see the man God created where moments before we believed we saw men behaving badly. This correct view confirms that harmony was never lost. Man never fell, sinned, was a bully or was unjust. And with that, we happily rest in perfect peace and listen to these three words: All is well!

Jesus beheld in Science the perfect man, who appeared to him where sinning mortal man appears to mortals. In this perfect man the Saviour saw God's own likeness, and this correct view of man healed the sick  
~Mary Baker Eddy
S&H 476:32-4

He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.  
~Christ Jesus
John 14:12-14


Note: There is no recipe save the logic of a protest for innocence or starting with and staying with the conclusion.

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