This is a re-post from +BEAUTY begets GRATITUDE


Each one of us experiences beauty individually. We share our experience uniquely. Some of us share in silence, some use logic, some emotion, some order, some words, some science, some art, some construct, some spirituality, some work, some friendship, some duty, some music, some constancy, some dance and so on in an endless list. The common thread is a too-full sense of gratitude that overflows to bless all around us. It's that feeling of happiness that demands us to smile at everyone and everything. It claims all is beautiful.

Have you ever seen an Atheist and a Theist or any other dissimilar pair, enraptured by beauty and willing to interrupt their bliss to use that shared beauty as a weapon to attack one another for their differing viewpoints? In that moment they are united. They are at peace. They are embraced by beauty that is more dear in that moment than personhood.

The power of beauty to stir gratitude in every heart

Beauty bars complaint. Beauty inspires gratitude. Gratitude is unbridled. Gratitude blesses impersonally as the rain.

The power of beauty to stir gratitude in every heart, without exception, became clear to me as I watched two Ted Talks by Louie Schwartzberg. His time lapse photography thrills all, regardless of what persons believe or know. It draws everyone together under one umbrella, free of angst.



This video excerpt, featuring Henry from ALIVE INSIDE, offers a beautiful, inspiring example of the healing, normalizing power of MUSIC!

Alive Inside investigates these questions and the power music has to awaken deeply locked memories. The film follows Dan Cohen, a social worker, who decides on a whim to bring iPods to a nursing home.  To his and the staff’s surprise many residents suffering from memory loss seem to “awaken” when they are able to listen to music from their past. ... more

It reminds me of the ongoing discussion about keeping/dropping music classes and activities in our schools. Maybe this report of Henry, one of riper years, will help make the case for continuing to have music available to those of greener years.

The following thoughts were shared regarding ALIVE INSIDE:
[Music is] the quickening art  ~Kant (quoted by Dr. Sacks)
Music imprints itself on the brain deeper than any other human experience. It speaks to us in a different language and arouses every emotion. It connects us all, it is a force that ignites our souls...Telling a story of hope and beauty, [ALIVE INSIDE] follows Dan as he discovers the power music has to “awaken” minds most others consider dormant and deteriorating.  ~ximotionmedia.com
[Music] gives me feeling of love .. I feel a band of love, of dreams.  ...The Lord came to me - made me a holy man - I'm a holy man so He gave me these sounds...  ~Henry
[Music] restored [Henry] to himself ...[he] reacquired his identity ...[Music helps] animate, organize and bring a sense of identity back to people... ~Dr. Oliver Sacks
No project I have ever worked on has changed me as much as this story. It is my hope that this film awakens people's hearts and helps make it possible to bring music to those in nursing homes, people who don't even know how deeply they need music's gifts.  ~Michael Rossato-Bennet, filmmaker 

The reason this video captured my interest is because of my experience of music and study of music's spiritual nature. Just as a dormant mind is not Henry, discord is not music. Health and music operate according to applied laws of Science and science. Laws of science and of Science must be obeyed consistently and applied radically in order for the expected outcome of music or Health to be realized.

To conclude, here is the opening quotation in context:
...discords of corporeal sense must yield to the harmony of spiritual sense, even as the science of music corrects false tones and gives sweet concord to sound...
Music is the rhythm of head and heart. Mortal mind is the harp of many strings, discoursing either discord or harmony according as the hand, which sweeps over it, is human or divine.
~Mary Baker Eddy

* "Music and Memory" is a re-post from  +the SCIENCE of HEALTH
Post is from G+:    +the SCIENCE ofHEALTH
Link to G+ Post:     Music and Memory
YouTube channel:   MusicandMemory1
Twitter:   @AliveInsideFilm
Project:    http://www.musicandmemory.org/

NOTE:  ALIVE INSIDE is a production of Ximotion Media, dedicated to expanding the well-being of us all.